Overcrowded Apartments and Villas Fined Up To Dh1 Million by UAE Government

Apartments & Villas Fined

By Imposing A Limit On The Number Of People Permitted In Each Residential Unit, The Government Implores Citizens, Property Owners, And Businesses To Abide By The Law.

To combat overcrowding in residential areas, Abu Dhabi’s Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) on Thursday launched the “Your home, your responsibility” campaign. Infractions will be subject to fines of up to Dh1 million. As part of inspection campaigns starting in the first quarter of 2023. A residential unit regarded as being overcrowded under Law No. 8 of 2019. If it is occupied in a way that is excessive given its size and amenities.

In order to raise the quality of life in the emirate and protect community members from the negative effects of overcrowding. A campaign launched in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Civil Defense Authority. It urged citizens, landlords, and businesses to abide by the law by setting a cap. On the number of occupants per residential unit and housing staff in separate neighborhoods from families designated for them. The inspectors from the 3 municipalities of the Emirate will run inspection campaigns.


In addition, the Department of Municipalities and Transport has announced a discount. Wherein offenders are required to pay 75% of the total administrative fine set forth for the offense. If delivered within a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the settlement option.

A grievance procedure established by DMT, and within a week of the reported violation. The violator may submit a grievance request via the Tamm platform. DMT continued by saying that it would make sure to consider humanitarian issues when enforcing the law.

It emphasized the value of residents reporting cases of overcrowding as part of their civic duty and responsibility. Owners, investors, and tenants must follow these fundamental leasing guidelines, or there will be repercussions for any violations. The authority advised residents to exist data on overcrowding. In addition to other violations of the occupancy law by calling the municipal agencies at 800555.

It emphasized that the campaign to raise awareness will reduce the deformation of the city’s image. The absence of safety and security standards, and the general unkemptness of homes.

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