Why Rent Instead Of Buying For Your Next Living Room

Living Room Dubai

Imagine that you are about to move into your new flat, but dread sets in before excitement do. It is a laborious process, and chances are you have some furniture you do not need anymore. Then, what happens? Do you abandon it on the sidewalk? Maybe give it to a friend? Alternatively, waste hours attempting to resell it on classified websites. The average millennial moves around ten times before settling down and buying a home. Until then, choosing, acquiring, and moving furniture is a never-ending struggle.

To reimagine the furniture experience, MAKAN steps in. The founders’ story is similar to others around you in that they have moved frequently over the years, never stayed in one place for more than two years, and have experienced the same furniture problems consistently.

Why Then Should I Rent Rather Than Buy?

The younger generation is constantly on the move, looking for new opportunities, traveling, or simply supporting novel environments. UAE is renowned for being the ideal location that draws numerous immigrants because of its accepting population, pleasant climate, and wide range of opportunities. Newcomers frequently stay for an illogically long time, necessitating illogical housing arrangements. As an alternative to traditional furniture ownership, MAKAN offers a furniture rental service that adjusts to those needs. Renting your furniture gives you the flexibility to decide later whether you want to keep it, exchange it, or return it.

Furthermore, instead of paying a large sum upfront, pay monthly for the time the decor is in use. It is a no-hassle, no-risk, and no-waste solution. A one-bedroom apartment, for example, can be furnished with less than 1,000 AED per month and owned after 2 years of renting the furniture.

Elegant And Durable Furniture

MAKAN collaborates closely with reputable producers who share their ideals and are renowned for their know-how, high-quality work, and materials. The furniture is long lasting and upholds the highest standards of sustainability and quality. Their team of talented designers carefully designs and selects each piece of furniture to suit the tastes of every customer.

The outcome? An assortment of aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting pieces of furniture that can instantly transform your fantasy home. MAKAN is genuinely reinventing the experience of furnishing in the UAE with its creative model. facilitating the quick creation and enjoyment of your ideal home for you.

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